Our Core Values

Core Values

We are a school where…

  1. Christ is honored.
  2. The physical and emotional safety of staff and students is emphasized.
  3. Intellectual development of students is pursued.
  4. An enjoyable atmosphere for teaching and learning is displayed.
Core Values in Practice:

Our core values will inform the actions and policies of CAL on a daily basis. Self-discipline and an internal drive to succeed are basic expectations for all students. Students who graduate from CAL will have successfully engaged in a rigorous curriculum that emphasizes personal responsibility. Schools operate safely and efficiently when behavioral expectations are internalized by students, faculty and staff. This means, for example, that appropriate student behavior is a general expectation for all students at all times. To the extent that a teacher has to spend time correcting students for inappropriate behaviors, they are losing valuable instructional time. This detracts from the intellectual development of our students. When necessary, discipline will be used to ensure a safe and effective learning environment. Discipline does not have punishment as its primary goal. Discipline is intended to shape behaviors and to maintain high standards of personal responsibility. In short, students are expected to learn from and respond to efforts to help them acquire productive mindsets.